Dear Sir or Madam,
We are delighted to announce that on the initiative of Deutsche Bank Polska and the "FOCUS Building", Honorary Blood Donors Club of “PCK Honorowi Bankowi” in cooperation with the Regional Center for Blood Donation and Chemotherpay organizes the Blood Donation Campaign in the Focus Building.
June 23, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm clinical officers will be waiting on the ground floor of the Focus building (in a room at the reception B), who will be taking blood and perform bone marrow tests at specially prepared stations.
You do not have to convince how important blood is in everyone's life as so far no substitute has been invented. And how it is needed every day and every minute.
We invite all of you to join us on 23 June and participate.
Would you like to help? Get on with it! Blood donation is about 1 hour of your time, and it can give a long life to others.
How to prepare to donate blood?
- do not donate blood by fasting, but after a light low fat meal (eg. bread, lean cured meat, vegetables, fruits)
- avoid fatty foods (lard, butter, cream, fatty cured meat), which can cause blood to be lipaemic and not suitable for medical purposes,
- drink plenty of water or fruit juices before donating blood
- do not smoke half an hour before donating blood
- do not donate blood after consuming alcohol
More information on blood donations, blood donation procedures and qualifications
You will find at